Pomona, CA
Home MenuWastewater
Romell Eutsey-Wastewater Supervisor: (909) 620-2251
Sanitary Sewer System
The City of Pomona Wastewater Operations Division is responsible for the operation and maintenance of an extensive wastewater collection system and is tasked with ensuring proper and efficient operation of the system. The City provides sewer service throughout the City and to a limited area outside the City limits.
The City’s wastewater collection system consists of approximately 317 miles of gravity sewer, 4 pump stations maintained by Los Angeles County Sanitation District (LACSD), 1.4 miles of force mains, over 6,000 manholes and two siphons.
Sewage collected by the City’s wastewater collection system is conveyed to the Pomona Water Reclamation Plant (PWRP) for treatment and disposal under the authority of the Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD).
The City is dedicated to improving the condition and performance of its wastewater collection system and reducing the occurrences of sanitary sewer overflows.